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Diploma 1

Coaches Clinics and Youth Diploma 1 Course


As a World Leader in soccer development we offer a "full" complement of services for the soccer community, Coerver® Coaching specializes in coaching programs.  We offer soccer clubs and communities an opportunity for beginner coaches up to seasoned professionals the continuing educational edge.


Youth Diploma 1


This Course has been developed by Coerver® Coaching co-founders Charlie Cooke and Alfred Galustian from over 38 years of knowledge and works around the world at all levels of the game, from grassroots to leading federations, clubs, managers and stars of International Football.

It is designed for all levels of coaches, from beginner to advanced, teachers or parents, to give them a greater understanding of how to plan & deliver more effective coaching sessions based on the Coerver® Coaching Philosophy.


Course Content


The 2-day course featuring "The World's #1 Soccer Skills Teaching Method" will be delivered in (4) 3-hour Modules. The Modules consist of lecture presentations followed by on-field sessions. The on-field sessions highlight the 5 Part DVD Session Planner and how to construct your sessions with it.


Module 1 - The Coerver® Approach To Football Coaching

Module 2 - The Coerver® Curriculum

Module 3 - Coerver® Session Planner

Module 4 - Coerver® Tips To Be A Better Coach


"We've never had an authorized Coerver® pathway for Coaches, and we've been around over 30 years, and we're in 28 countries" says co-founder Alfred Galustian whose appointment in June 2010 as the Premier League Specialist Skills Advisor, assigned to help develop the next generation of Elite football coaches in the UK, further endorses the reputation of the Method.


"The new course is designed for Coaches who work with young players from 8-16 years old. We designed the diploma asking the question how can we help coaches construct effective sessions without the anxiety, head scratching and time wasting that often accompanies session planning."


"In our new Coerver® 5 Part DVD set and E-Book, Charlie Cooke and myself have devised the Coerver® Coaching Session Planner. This is a template and formula that any coach can use to easily create their week, month or season's Sessions and we have constructed the whole course around this new material."


In this course you'll learn:


  • How the 6 Part Pyramid of Player Development©encompasses the entire Coerver® Curriculum.
  • The Pyramid of Moves breaks down the most complicated actions into simple, teachable steps and families.
  • The Coerver® Pathway to Soccer Excellence takes players cross the Coerver® Skills Bridge and develops game effective skills by means of graduated pressure training.
  • The Coerver® Code develops the Coerver’s 5 S signature qualities of Skill, Speed, Strength, Spirit, and Smarts that is the Coerver® mission.
  • The Coerver® Session Planner©eliminates the frustrations of last minute searching for activities and structure and provides a Template to make your weekly, monthly or even season long session planning a breeze.
  • The Course features many proven, high-quality drills & games from Coerver® Coaching’s 31 yr old history with tips to ‘make harder’ or ‘easier’ for age-appropriate practices
  • Coaches can watch drills, skills, and games being demonstrated by youth players or join in and learn by doing.

Course Curriculum


SATURDAY (8:30am – 3:00pm)

8:30a– 9:15a - Lecture: "The Coerver® Approach to Soccer Coaching".

9:30a – 11:00a - Field Session: "Warm ups & Speed."

11:00a – 11:15a - Q & A. Wrap up.

11:15a – 12:15p - LUNCH BREAK

12:15p – 1:00p - Lecture: "The Coerver® Coaching Curriculum."

1:15p – 2:45p - Field Session. "Moves 1v1 & 2v2 Attack & Defense."

2:45p – 3:00p - Q & A. Wrap up.


SUNDAY (9:00am – 3:30pm)

9:00a – 9:45a - Lecture: "Coerver® Session Planning."

10:00a – 11:30a - Field Session "Small Group Play."

11:30a – 11:45a - Q & A. Wrap up.

11:45a – 12:45p - LUNCH BREAK

12:45p – 1:30p - Lecture: " Tips to be a better Coerver® Coach."

1:45p – 3:15p - Field Session. " A Coerver Session."

3:15p – 3:30p - Q & A. Wrap up.


Youth Diploma Course Package

  • Course materials with drills
  • New Era Drill Book
  • Online Coerver® Coaching Session Planner
  • Coerver® Coaching Youth Diploma Jersey
  • Coerver® Coaching Youth Diploma Certificate of Attendance
  • Breakfast snacks, coffee

Cost $375.00

Dates: TBA


Coerver BC

 3522 Worthington Drive
Vancouver V5M-3X9   

Phone: 604-219-0792
Email: [email protected]

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